

Our Mission


Who Are We?

The vision of JNIF is to preserve and promote Nepali identity by uniting the people of Nepali origin around the world. The organization will work towards promoting democratic culture and values in Nepal and abroad to make a robust, ethical, and just society where every citizen has an equal right to shape his/her destiny. The organization is dedicated to fostering and amplifying democratic values, civic engagement, and active participation in the democratic process.

Our mission is to create a platform that empowers individuals to voice their opinions, exercise their rights, and contribute to informed and inclusive decision-making within their communities and beyond. The organization is to work towards making a just, democratic, and equitable Nepali society, and to promote democratic values and collaboration among the Nepali diaspora and work towards making Nepal a truly democratic, fair, and equal society based on the rule of law and respect for human rights.

Our Committee

Yadav Pandit

Yadav Pandit


[email protected]

Agni Chaulagain

Agni Chaulagain

General Secretary

[email protected]

Gobinda Shrestha

Gobinda Shrestha


[email protected]

Badri Aryal

Badri Aryal

President (JNIF-Nepal)

[email protected]

Punam Gautam

Punam Gautam

Portugal Chapter President

[email protected]

Shiwani Shrestha

Shiwani Shrestha

Norway Chapter President

[email protected]

Sita Baral

Sita Baral

Denmark Chapter President

[email protected]

Muna Tiwari

Muna Tiwari

Connecticut Chapter President

[email protected]

Dr. Dilli Banjade

Dr. Dilli Banjade

Australia Chapter President

[email protected]

Kul Prasad Gurung

Kul Prasad Gurung

HongKong Chapter President

[email protected]

Keshav Bhattarai

Keshav Bhattarai

Missouri Chapter President

[email protected]

Anjan Kumar Chaulagai

Anjan Kumar Chaulagai

Minnesota Chapter President

[email protected]

Yadav Dahal

Yadav Dahal

Northern California Chapter President

[email protected]

Indraraj Pandey

Indraraj Pandey

Southern California Chapter President

[email protected]

Kumar Jung Karki

Kumar Jung Karki

Colorado Chapter President

[email protected]

Ramesh Adhikari

Ramesh Adhikari

Texas Chapter President

[email protected]

Keshab Raj Sapkota

Keshab Raj Sapkota

South Carolina Chapter President

[email protected]

Diwakar Bhatta

Diwakar Bhatta

Kentucky Chapter President

[email protected]

Khem Panthee

Khem Panthee

Illinois Chapter President

[email protected]

Keshab Sharma

Keshab Sharma

Maryland Chapter President

[email protected]

Bikash Devkota

Bikash Devkota

Florida Chapter President

[email protected]

What Do We Do?

The JNIF has the following objectives

Promote Civic Education:

To provide accessible and comprehensive civic education programs that empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to actively participate in democratic processes.

Facilitate Inclusive Dialogue:

To create platforms and spaces for open and respectful dialogue among individuals with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and opinions, fostering understanding and collaboration.

Advocate for Democratic Values:

To advocate for the protection and enhancement of democratic principles, including freedom of speech, equal representation, and transparent governance, at local, national, and international levels.

Enhance Voter Engagement:

To increase voter awareness, registration, and turnout through educational campaigns and initiatives that emphasize the importance of civic responsibility.

Support Grassroots Initiatives:

To collaborate with local communities and grassroots organizations to support initiatives that address social, cultural, and political issues and encourage active participation in decision-making.

Empower Marginalized Groups:

To actively engage and empower marginalized and underrepresented communities, ensuring their voices are heard and included in democratic processes.

Promote Fact-Based Discourse:

To combat misinformation and disinformation by promoting critical thinking, media literacy, and fact-based discussions that contribute to informed public discourse.

Ecosystem Conservation:

To advocate for and implement strategies that protect and restore mountain to Tarai ecosystems, conserving their biodiversity and ecological integrity.

Community Empowerment:

To engage with local communities in mountain to Tarai regions, empowering them to be active participants in sustainable resource management and decision-making processes.

Cultural Preservation:

To respect and celebrate the cultural heritage of the mountain to Tarai communities, integrating traditional knowledge and practices into conservation and development efforts.

Climate Resilience:

To address the impacts of climate change on mountain to Tarai ecosystems and communities by promoting adaptive strategies and advocating for global climate action.


How are we gonna achieve it?

The Jaya Nepal International Foundation (JNIF) will employ the following strategies/methods to attain the above-mentioned objectives

Policy Advocacy

To influence policies and regulations at local, national, and international levels that address the unique challenges faced by the mountain to Tarai regions and promote their sustainable development.

Collaborate with institutions

To collaborate with educational institutions, government agencies, civil society organizations, and international bodies to strengthen democratic institutions and practices.

Develop Innovative Tools

To leverage technology and innovation to create tools and resources that facilitate democratic engagement, information sharing, and collective action.

Measure and Evaluate Impact

To regularly assess the impact of our programs and initiatives, adjusting strategies as needed to ensure meaningful contributions to democratic values and processes.

Education and Awareness

To raise public awareness about the importance of mountains to Tarai ecosystems and the issues they face through educational programs, workshops, and outreach campaigns.

Research and Science

To support scientific research that contributes to a deeper understanding of mountain to Tarai ecosystems, their dynamics, and the impacts of human activities.

Collaboration and Partnerships

To foster collaboration among governmental organizations, non-profits, academia, businesses, and local communities, promoting holistic solutions to related challenges.

Sustainable Tourism

To encourage responsible tourism practices that provide economic benefits to mountain to Tarai communities while minimizing negative environmental and cultural impacts.

Capacity Building

To provide training, resources, and capacity-building programs to empower local stakeholders to take a proactive role in addressing issues.

Educate and Empower

Provide educational resources, workshops, and training programs that empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and engage effectively in democratic activities.

Engage Youth

Cultivate a sense of civic responsibility among young people by offering programs and initiatives that inspire their active participation in shaping the future of their communities and societies.

Combat Misinformation

Develop campaigns and initiatives that promote critical thinking, media literacy, and responsible information sharing to counter misinformation.

Collaborate Across Borders

Forge partnerships with international organizations and initiatives to share best practices, learn from global experiences, and strengthen democratic values worldwide.

Measure and Report Progress

Regularly assess the organization’s progress toward its goals and transparently communicate results to stakeholders, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.

Collaborative Partnerships

Establish collaborative partnerships with organizations, institutions, and governmental bodies to pool resources, knowledge, and efforts toward shared mountain to Tarai conservation goals.

Transparency and Accountability

Maintain transparent reporting mechanisms to communicate progress, challenges, and outcomes to stakeholders, ensuring accountability and maintaining trust.


Get Involved with us

Together, we can make a difference and create a society that upholds the principles of democracy, equality, and justice for all. Get involved today and be a part of the change! Join us in our journey towards building a better future for Nepal and its people.


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